Monday, March 8, 2010


My colleagues have taken vows of poverty. I am learning about simplicity from them. With exceptions, most make careful choices. They live simply. Part of that is cultural with regard to
the conditions in their respective countries, and in part it is because of their training and vows. Most have been taught this discipline from a young age, as monks, nuns and seminarians. Some are from privileged families and have chosen a life very different from the one they were born into. To live amongst them during this season of Lent has been a gift. They have given me a deeper understanding regarding choices and discernment. A different language.

1 comment:

Mary-Cauliflower said...

Hi Michael, I'm glad CCM is such a good experience for you. It looks as if I'll be in Registro in July, so there is some possibility that I may get to Curitiba and say hello. Best wishes for your journey. - Mary